In Basil Valentine's book
The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony the Master describes several antimony
Among these preparations it
in evidence the Stone of Fire and the Oil of Antimony. The great
difficulty founded to obtain this oil it is the preparation of its glass.
This preparation of the antimony glass is made by the dry way and it is
very slow.
To prepare the antimony
glass the first operation to execute it is the Purge to remove through the
fire in gas oven the silica that usually pollutes the mineral. There is a
little difficult to get a pure mineral with little silica and that chosen
pure mineral is usually expensive.
This operation is the same
that is done in the beginning of the antimony dry way and for that, it
requests a specific knowledge of the modus operandi. We didn't recommend
it to who doesn't have the suitable experience.
After the Purge we are
obtained an almost pure mineral exempt of silica that is necessary to
grind very well in an iron or of bronze mortar and to pass it for the
sieve in fine powder.
Consecutively is proceeded
at its calcination to expel all chemical sulphur.
This operation is made
slowly in a Pyrex glass or of stainless steel porringer, mix well with a
stainless steel spoon to avoid that the mineral forms agglomerates and
always stay powdered. After well calcinated and not to emanate more
sulphur smell will have a light brown coloured.
In a crucible of medium
size pour this antimony calcinated oxide until fill it and the respective
lid is placed.
The crucible is placed on a
gas oven with a strong fire so that the whole oxide is melted and be
completely liquid. Hold the lid to verify if it is completely melted. If
it is, with a tongs hold the crucible securely of the oven and the melted
content is drained on a metallic foil. After cooling the glass it loosens
easiness out the plate.
The colour of the antimony
glass is usually brown reddish. Placing a glass piece in front of a source
of strong light as the solar light and to the transparency you see a red
This glass is grind in an
iron or bronze mortar protecting with an appropriate masks the breathing
way of the fine powder that emanates of the grinding. After well grinding
it sieved by a fine sieve of nylon of 60 lines for centimetre or 120 for
This fine powder of
antimony glass is placed in a 2 litre vase whit a rubber stopped
(Erlenmeyer or a matrass with round bottom) or in a circulator and pour
spirit of vinegar at 10 degrees Baume. This spirit of vinegar will
dissolve at moderate temperature the antimony glass powder.
When the whole vinegar
spirit will be red coloured, for decantation, pour the coloured vinegar
into another matrass. After to dry the glass powder that was not
completely dissolved to a very moderate heat. Pour new vinegar and when
this will be completely red coloured, to flow for decantation, as of the
first time, the whole coloured vinegar spirit and, so forth, until that
the vinegar spirit doesn't extract more tincture.
Pour the whole spirit of
coloured vinegar in a glass alembic and to distil the vinegar in excess
until obtaining a thick caput as honey or more. To dry it to a moderate
temperature and later pour in the alembic spirit of wine very well
rectificated to 100 degrees to extract from it the tincture which you will
circulate in a pelican or circulator during one month.
After this circulation you
will distil everything without addition. And by this distillation Basil
Valentine says: « will have a sweet medicine, pleasant and
admirable, in the form of beautiful clear and red oil with which gets the
fire stone.
This oil or fifth essence
like this prepared it accomplishes everything that is necessary to do and
to know for a good doctor that is expedites in your cures. The dose is of
eight grains before your coagulation, taken in pure wine. It makes to
rejuvenate and to turn young the men and it turns them free from all the
illnesses, turning them vigorous and perhaps as if they had been born
This last description of
the distillation doesn't seem us very clear. The Master insinuates us that
after having distilled the whole vinegar, it will remain in the cucurbit a
thick and sweet oil not referring that it will flow in the distillation by
the beak of the alembic
We preparing some kilograms
of antimony glass destined to the Filiation and prepare it for its
dissolution in the spirit of vinegar but for several reasons will not
accomplish to do the distillation with the spirit of wine. For that
reason, we don't know if it passes or not for the alembic beak.
By own experience, we can
say, with own knowledge, that to prepare the antimony glass it is not an
easy task. Because at present we have not the suitable conditions for
doing it we didn't repeat this operation again.
Rubelus Petrinus
